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  • Miniature Building Authority
  • P.O. Box 107
  • Bethlehem, GA  30656
  • USA
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» Terrain and Accessories
Dark Age Terrain
Viking, Celtic, Picts etc.
Fantasy Terrain
Fantasy terrain, buildings, figures and cool stuff.
Fun Terrain Bits
Fun Terrain Bits is our inexpensive line of terrain. These pieces are cast in resin, do not come painted, and cost between $1 to $5 per item. Note there is limited quantities for these items.
For ancient to modern building interiors.
General Accessories
Generic accessories can be used for many different periods. They include, trees, walls, and such.
Roman Terrain
Roman and Greek terrain pieces and accessories
WWII Terrain
Items that can be used for WWII gaming in 15mm and 28mm scales.

Our Products

These are high quality buildings that can be used in gaming, Christmas Villages, and just to collect. Our buildings are unique in that their roofs lift off so that you can view and use the interior, as well as at times the flooring between levels is removable so you can really get "into" your building.

About Us

We build and sell resin cast pre-painted miniature buildings that are ready to use out of the box. That's right! No longer do you need to paint your building - the work has already been done for you.

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